
Showing posts from May, 2014

detroit institute of arts

a few weeks ago, my husband and i went to the detroit institute of art for a date night.  i really wanted to see the latest exhibit, samurai: beyond the sword .  i love learning about the far east.  given that i have not spent much (read: any) time in the far east of china, japan or korea, i have not been too many museums specific to the topic. as usual, the DIA did a nice job with this exhibit.  the exhibit went by really quickly; i was amazed actually.   the first half of the exhibit was about the warrior part of a samurai's life.  we learned about how their swords were made.  they are a truly a work of art. it can take up to a six months to make just one sword.  i cannot imagine working on a single item for that long.  we also learned about their regalia and how it was used in official parades and other engagements. the second half was about how the samurai were actually strong carriers of the japanese culture.  it had all these pieces of art, vases and choreography.