forbes magazine gallery
today i went to the forbes magazine gallery with a friend from college. i have wanted to go for a while since it's close to where i live and it's free! the museum though is not open on sundays, which has hampered me a little bit lately. so museum is very accessible. when we walked in, the security guard was arguing with a delivery guy. this was slightly awkward. i just wanted to ask where the bathroom was! we ended up going through the museum backwards although this did not matter much for this museum. they have some very unusual stuff. they have a collection of monopoly boards. some of these were custom made for the forbes family; others are just unusual. they have a huge collection of model boats including some of the sinking titanic. they had some sample battle scenes. now this is all fine and dandy and sort of cohesive. the other temporary exhibits in the museum were completely random. this was a bit confusing at first. they had a jewelry exhibit, kimono...