rubin museum of art

the rubin museum was quite a pleasant surprise. it is a museum that focuses primarily on himalayan artwork. i went with a coworker who is indian, so she knew a lot more than i did.

this museum is the real deal. a speciality museum that has the funding and enough space to convey its message. the second floor of the museum is devoted to "what is himalayan art?" it really educates you as to what you are looking at. they had artwork, statues and weavings from as early as 1200s

when we were there we saw an exhibit focusing on bon, which is the indigenous religion in tibet. the detail in the art is unbelievable. the rubin museum has its own artist in residence as well to show how it is done in person. they also had an exhibit displaying some of the large items from the rubin collection.

my one complaint/suggestion: no one directed us to start at the bottom and move up, so we got to the "what is himalayan art?" last. i was pretty lucky since my friend had been to some of the actual monasteries where the work is created and she could fill me in on a lot of the background information.

times visited: 1
time in the museum: 2 hrs
overall: A-


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