museum of modern art (moma)

i went to the museum of modern art (moma) in between sessions with one of my fellow MBA students, tyler!  

we showed up coincidentally right as the museum was opening.  it was absolutely packed.  we were able to "sneak" in using a membership ID allowing us to skip the line that was forming outside.  i have no idea if this is the normal was unseasonally warm, lightly raining and a wednesday.  we had to wait in a bit of a line to get a ticket.

it was the usual.  we visited the main two floors with the picassos, and van goghs and matisses and the monets.  he was surprised to see the monets in the modern art museum!  they were super crowded as usual, my biggest complaint about the moma.

happy i made it sure has been a while.  it did remind me of what i like about it, but also what i do not like about it!

times visited: at least 7
time in museum: 1 hr
overall: B+


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