detroit institute of art

last weekend, i headed down to the detroit institute of art!  the tri-county area recently passed a millage providing free admission to the county residents in exchange for a tax placed on each property.  i want to get in a habit of taking advantage of it, so i headed downtown before meeting up with some friends for brunch!

i was unlucky and missed the vermeer exhibit.  i should have paid closer attention to the dates on that one!  i did end up seeing picasso and matisee: the DIA's prints and drawings.  the collection was interesting.  i liked seeing how it came together and how the purchases were made.  matisse's crisp work in contrast with the elaborate abstraction of picasso's was very much on display within this exhibit.  as expected, a collection of this size was donated by a single donor for each of the two artists.   matisse's bright colors with simplistic lines resonates with me.  i did enjoy seeing some of picasso's realistic artwork  as well, they had a few of his more accurate drawings.

while i was there, i did want to view the asian art as well.  i feel like i typically get downstairs and am much more tired and do not give those collections much effort.  the asian sculpture is quite beautiful.  the intricate details really appeal to me.

i am excited to go back to the museum soon for the faberge: the rise and fall, the collection of the virginia museum of fine arts!
i have now seen him small, in france and at the DIA

time in museum: 1 hr
times visited: 3
overall: A-


  1. Nice blog. I was just thinking this past week that I was due for a visit to the DIA. This inspires me.


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