whitney museum of american art

it has been a while since i have had a museum post!  over the past month, life has gotten in the way.  i have a slew of posts coming up for italy, but i figured i would get this one out of the way!  

over the past weekend, i went to nyc with my husband, mom and father for a bar mitzvah.  we went to the whitney for a quick pop-in before heading to the airport.  

we went and saw the classics from the whitney.  i am excited to see that they are getting a new space.  i wish they dedicated more space to the "classics" and less to some of the more outrageous exhibits.  i loved seeing their georgia o'keefe paintings and the stellas.  i had not seen all the alexander calder's wire mobiles since the special exhibit with his circus mobiles!

my mom loves edward hopper and they just opened a pretty fantastic new exhibit about him.  it is called hopper drawings.  when edward hopper died, his artistic estate was bequeathed to the whitney.  i loved all of the sketches, which prepped him for all of the canvases.  i loved seeing the prep sketches for nighthawk.     

overall, i was very happy we stopped.  it is a classic.  my mom really enjoyed it.  i am curious to see what the new space looks like!

time in museum: 1 hr 15 minutes
times visited: 6.5
overall: A-


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