Cincinnati Art Museum

I recently took a job in Cincinnati, so get ready for a bit more of these about/from Cincinnati!  My husband and I just got a year pass to go to the  Cincinnati Art Museum.

My husband and I went a couple of weeks ago as the start of the date night.  We went to two of the exhibits about Japanese culture.

The first exhibit we went to was Dressed to Kill: Japanese Arms & Armor.  I was really excited about this exhibit since it had 11 Samurai suits of armor!  They even had one for a 13 year old boy.  Three of the suits of armor were the museums, but eight of them were from a private collection.  I was enraptured by the armor.  They had a box that was used to store the armor and I was shocked at how collapsible the armor was -- it folded up into the smallest box.  One of the samurai suits was the most elaborate ones I had ever seen.  They also had one with feather plums on the helmet!  It was the most suits of armor I had ever seen in one place -- I really appreciated the opportunity to compare the different styles, traditions.

The second exhibit was Transcending Reality: The Woodcuts of Kosaka Gajin.  These woodcuts were a modern interpretation of the traditional woodcuts we saw in the first exhibit.  They did not have the detail of the more traditional ones and at the same time, appeared to be more like water colors as opposed to the woodcut.  

Times visited: 2
Time in museum: 1 hr
Overall: B+


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