Newport Aquarium

Today I finally made it to the Newport Aquarium.  I went by myself, so I can only imagine how much fun this would be with people and especially children.

The aquarium is set up as a route -- it does not have the ability to pick your own adventure.  The fish and animals are broadly structured in groups or clusters (e.g., seahorses, sharks, rays, alligators), but also a little bit around geographies.  

The path takes you through the entire aquarium with the cafeteria in the middle and you end in the gift store (feels a little like Disney World).  Great since you don't miss anything, but could be challenge if all your child really wants to see is the turtles.  

The aquarium has a variety of shows and interactive exhibits with plenty of options to touch different animals.  I took in the shark tank show involving divers in the tank.  

The signage was very appropriate and updated.  It definitely has been prioritized and is great for children.  The aquarium strikes a nice balance of conservation of animals and the planet and education about the animals.

So I need some more visitors to come visit me so we can go again!  I definitely think with other people you could easily spend up to three hours in the aquarium!

Time in aquarium: 1.25 hrs
Times visited: 1
Overall: A-


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