museum of flight

this museum was obviously jason's number one choice.  obviously.  after one false start, we arrived at the museum of flight early on friday morning.  we did get a AAA discount on the admissions, which saved us a few dollars.  

the museum is basically split into three sections.  we headed over to the general wing first.  this is where most of their random collection of airplanes is kept (versus the other wing has the specialized world war I and II planes).  this section also has their space flight information.  this is where i wish jason would blog for me, since i am sure he would have a much better information and details and excitement about this than i do and would.  i did enjoy the section about the history of stewardesses in the airplanes, style in the aisle.  here are some pictures of the different planes we saw.

my neighbor double dated to the prom with him

the second wing is mostly the specialized world war II planes and some of the early planes used in world war I.  i think the world war II plans are pretty interesting.  it is hard to think that air flight really got its push into the mainstream through the war.  also the number of technological advances made during that period is astounding.  world war I is also interesting as well, mostly as a contrasting point to world war II. 

the third section is the planes that they have across the street.  we were able to go into a concorde, which jason was super excited about.  they also had an air force one plane you could walk through.  it is a serious walk across the bridge, so it is a pity that it is not on the same side of the street as the rest of the museum.  

overall, jason did love it.  i think he was so happy when we finally left.  i felt like the museum was very well done and could be enjoyed by an expert or a novice.  

time spent in museum: 3 hrs
times visited: 1
overall: A-


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