stanley park

our first official day in vancouver, we headed to stanley park! we probably picked what ended up being the worst day to go, but off we trudged.  it was rainy off and on hovering around 32F/0C. 

we started walking as cars can drive through the park, so out to the point on the north side of the park.  as we walked through, we stopped at the totem poles, which you can see here.  they are pretty interesting!

we walked all the way out to the point to the lighthouse.  

we also went to the vancouver aquarium, which is inside the park.

overall, i enjoyed the park.  it had maps at often enough intervals.  my biggest complaint was the lack of path clearing anywhere in the park.  we spent the entire time trudging on half melted piles of snow. 

times visited: 1
time in park: 5 hrs
overall: B+


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