Castle de Montjuic

This post is probably going to be rather short!  We went to the Castle de Montjuic.  I will admit that I heard the name and definitely thought we were headed to an actual castle.  It was definitely a prison / jail!  

The main part of the jail is not open.  The main courtyard has some galleries.  We headed up to the roof, which had a beautiful view of Barcelona.  

The museum was not very expensive to get into, so probably worth it for the views from the top.  I was a little anxious about the sun at this point!

While we were there, the gallery showed scenes from the Spanish revolution.  An artist had also gone to as many of the execution sites and taken photographs of the burial sites.  It was rooms of these photographs.  

Time in fortress: 45 minutes
Times visited: 1
Overall: B


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