Museu d'Historia de Barcelona

On our first day in Barcelona, we decided to go to the Museu d'Historia de Barcelona.   It was much more extensive than I expected! 

We bought tickets at the museum.  

The museum allows visitors to see the Roman ruins, which were discovered under modern Barcelona.  They predict that Barcelona is over 25 feet higher today than it was when the Romans occupied it (similar to the statistic for modern Rome).  It covers decent ground, so not small.  

They have uncovered all different buildings that existed including a wine storage facility, laundry, homes and even a temple.  

Beautiful mosaic floors
The audio guide was well done for this museum.  

This was a great museum to set the tone for our visit to Barcelona.  We started in the early quarters and could see the build-up of Barcelona from here.

Times visited: 1
Time in museum: 1.5 hrs
Overall: A-


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