milwaukee art museum

i cannot believe it has only been about 10 days since i went to the milwaukee art museum.  i was in milwaukee with about thirty of my closest friends for a fun weekend!  i remember the first time i visited the museum, they had a degas sculpture exhibit; i took these lovely picture

yes, the famous degas sculptur
this time, i was very excited to see the posters of paris: toulouse-lautrec and his contemporaries.  i loved the exhibit (mam does do special exhibits very well)!  for the last ten years or so, i have noticed the parisian posters almost everywhere except in museums.  the first time i was aware of them was within my college dorm on friends' walls.  this exhibit clearly explained the appeal of them and how the parisians used them both as advertising and then later as art (reminding me of the andy warhol campbell soup can series).  the exhibit walked through the chronological rise and fall of the poster craze in paris.  

i loved the information about how the posters were censored for modesty, but painters could skirt the issue if the woman (typically) was a fairy or considered "mythological."  the products that were chosen for these posters was intriguing as well.  the exhibit had about five posters regarding the advertisement of the bicycle, which were new to paris at the time.  iconic parisian posters have also remained the logo or symbol of the company, even if it was not the original logo.  

my only complaint about the exhibit was that of course all of the posters i wanted to buy prints for were unavailable except in the larger exhibition book.

i enjoyed the rest of the museum in bits and pieces.  i accidentally wandered into the children's art area, which had a great exhibit, animation: art goes to the movies.  it showed how animators (for disney, pixar and dreamworks) take inspiration from art and real life to create movies.  it had a number of comparisons of art and their movie counterparts from everything from sleeping beauty (did you know that 15th century dutch painters were GREAT at creepy villains?) to the incredibles and up. 

sketch on the left, inspiration in the middle, final product on the right
i also enjoyed the modern art section including this larger than life painting of a dog.  

it was literally eight feet tall!  something about the amazing color contrast and placement really makes its large pink tongue stand out!

i also loved seeing this sculpture from behind and guessing that it was a rodin!

i did spend the bulk of my time in the special exhibit, which is the reason for the B+, not the A-.  the museum is very easy to move around and was not overly crowded.  it was nice to be back!  also, note that seeing the museum is almost a work of art in and of itself!  the day i was there the roof was down though, unfortunately!

time in museum: 1.5 hrs
times visited: 2
overall: B+


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