musee d'orsay

my third large museum visit in paris was on my second day there, the musee d'orsay.  i was very excited to see this museum since it did fill in the gaps of the modern art i was missing from the centre pompidou.  i got into this museum as well.  this proved invaluable since i was on a tight time schedule on tuesday.  the pass allowed me to enter a separate line from those purchasing tickets.  the ticket purchase line was easily 20x longer than than the line i was in.  i have never seen a line like it, particularly on a tuesday non-rainy afternoon.  

the museum is in an old converted train station and again, is pretty magnificent in and of itself.  one of the centerpieces from within the museum is the large station clock hanging above the front entrance.  the museum has three primary exhibit floors, "zero," "two," and "five."  a little consistency on this would have been nice.  i ended up jumping from five to zero to two.  this ended up being more inconvenient than i expected since the museum had odd choices about which corners of the buildings had stairs versus escalators.

Picture from:
i followed a similar tactic to the louvre, but had learned slightly.  when i walked in, i took a minute to study and understand the map.  then, i headed straight to the top of the museum where my favorite artists reside, like degas, monet, renoir, and van gogh since that tactic seemed to work in the louvre.  throughout this trip, i feel like i keep crossing paths with the same artists.  since the musee d'orsay does not allow photography (all, not just without a flash), i grabbed a few of my favorite paintings from their website:

yes, they had some more wacky stuff, but it was pretty obvious from the map where it was.  i definitely skipped over "art noveau" and some of statues.  i liked how they partnered paintings together.  they also really demonstrated how styles changed through the years by picking a few select paintings at one point to view close together.  for example, they showed degas before 1860 and his work afterwards.  the van gogh museum in amsterdam did something similar.  

overall, pretty magnificent.  it checked off a high number of museums from my '1001 painting' list.  that list is finally getting a jump start, which it has not had in a while!  

it takes everything i like about the museum of modern art in the states and got rid of everything i do not like about it.  generally, there was enough space to move around the museum.  i wish the fifth floor was a little more spread out, just basically more space between each painting.  it would have eased the congestion on that floor (and the museum seems to have the space).  i also wish they included the special exhibits into the cost of the ticket.

time in museum: 2 hrs
times visited: 1
overall: A


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